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New offer: IAPM Wishlist | IAPM
Use the IAPM Wishlist to share your thoughts, questions or wishes with us, so we can shape the offers and contents provided by the IAPM.
Preparing for the Certified Project Manager (IAPM) exam | IAPM
Angana Saha worked with the IAPM web-learning platform to prepare for the Certified Project Manager (IAPM) exam. A testimonial.
IAPM Essentials #63 - PM news | IAPM
What was eventful last week? What has happened in project management? Read Essentials #63 to discover the IAPM's recommendations of the week.
How much agility makes sense?
Agile methods have become established and are constantly being developed further. But how much agility makes sense?
IAPM Essentials #62 - PM news | IAPM
What was eventful last week? What has happened in project management? Read Essentials #62 to discover the IAPM's recommendations of the week.
Parallels betwenn the roles of the CEO and the PM | IAPM
Project managers and CEOs are two different roles - and yet there are some similarities.
IAPM Essentials #61 - PM news | IAPM
What was eventful last week? What has happened in project management? Read Essentials #61 to discover the IAPM's recommendations of the week.
When can a project be considered a failure? | IAPM
When do you have to admit that a project has no future? When is the right time to abandon it in order to limit the losses? Our article explores this question.
IAPM Essentials #60 - PM news | IAPM
What was eventful last week? What has happened in project management? Read Essentials #60 to discover the IAPM's recommendations of the week.
The future of project management and global opportunities | IAPM
What do you think the future of project management and project managers will look like? I am sure you are aware that project management is a constantly growing field.
Agile PM Guide 2.0 becomes Agile Project Managers' Guide | IAPM
The certification basis in agile project management was completely updated is now provided in a dynamic format.
IAPM Essentials #59 - PM news | IAPM
What was eventful last week? What has happened in project management? Read Essentials #59 to discover the IAPM's recommendations of the week.