All questions and answers on the subject "Self-test"
The self-tests are charged separately - you can calculate the costs here.
Can I repeat the appropriate self-test associated with my certification?
No, the self-test can only be taken once. This test is only used to determine your level of knowledge before taking the actual certification exam. However, if you do not pass the certification test, you can re-register for certification. The costs for the test are incurred again. If you do not pass this test either, you will have to wait 12 months. If you fail the test again, you will not be eligible for any further IAPM certification tests and will not be able to take it again.
Does the result of the self-test affect the certification test?
No, your self-test result is completely independent of your certification exam result. The self-test reflects your current level of knowledge and should help you to identify and compensate your deficits before taking the actual certification exam.
How can I prepare for the Cert. Agile Project Manager (IAPM) certification exam?
You have the opportunity to prepare for certification on your own. In our extensive bibliography you will find numerous literature suggestions. In any case, you should work through the Agile Project Managers' Guide (IAPM). This guide lists and describes all topics relevant to the exam.
Furthermore, you can prepare for your certification in the form of a seminar with one of our certified training partners. In these seminars you will learn all relevant contents in a clear and practical way. Please send us a request via our certification assistant.
In order to test and possibly improve your knowledge in advance, we offer you the opportunity to take a charged self-test. The self-test is an online test that is usefully taken before the actual certification exam. It serves to determine in which subject areas you still have knowledge deficits. After passing the self-test, you will receive an e-mail from us with the evaluation of your test and corresponding recommendations for action. The result of the self-test does not affect the result of the certification.
How can I prepare for the Cert. International Project Manager (IAPM) certification exam?
You have the opportunity to prepare for certification on your own. In our extensive bibliography you will find numerous literature suggestions. In any case, you should download the International PM Guide 2.0 free of charge. This guide lists and describes all topics relevant to the exam.
Furthermore, you can prepare for your certification in the form of a seminar with one of our certified training partners. In these seminars you will learn all relevant contents in a clear and practical way. Please send us a request via our certification assistant.
In order to test and possibly improve your knowledge in advance, we offer you the opportunity to take a charged self-test. The self-test is an online test that is usefully taken before the actual certification exam. It serves to determine in which subject areas you still have knowledge deficits. After passing the self-test, you will receive an e-mail from us with the evaluation of your test and corresponding recommendations for action. The result of the self-test does not affect the result of the certification.
How can I prepare for the Cert. Project Manager (IAPM) certification exam?
You have the opportunity to prepare for certification on your own. In our extensive bibliography you will find numerous literature suggestions. In any case, you should take a look at the Project Managers' Guide (IAPM) free of charge. This guide lists and describes all topics relevant to the exam.
Furthermore, you can prepare for your certification in the form of a seminar with one of our certified training partners. In these seminars you will learn all relevant contents in a clear and practical way. Please send us a request via our certification assistant.
In order to test and possibly improve your knowledge in advance, we offer you the opportunity to take a charged self-test. The self-test is an online test that is usefully taken before the actual certification exam. It serves to determine in which subject areas you still have knowledge deficits. After passing the self-test, you will receive an e-mail from us with the evaluation of your test and corresponding recommendations for action. The result of the self-test does not affect the result of the certification.
How can I prepare for the Cert. Senior Agile Project Manager (IAPM) certification exam?
You have the opportunity to prepare for certification on your own. In our extensive bibliography you will find numerous literature suggestions. In any case, you should work through the Agile Project Managers' Guide (IAPM). This guide lists and describes all topics relevant to the exam.
Furthermore, you can prepare for your certification in the form of a seminar with one of our certified training partners. In these seminars you will learn all relevant contents in a clear and practical way. Please send us a request via our certification assistant.
In order to test and possibly improve your knowledge in advance, we offer you the opportunity to take a charged self-test. The self-test is an online test that is usefully taken before the actual certification exam. It serves to determine in which subject areas you still have knowledge deficits. After passing the self-test, you will receive an e-mail from us with the evaluation of your test and corresponding recommendations for action. The result of the self-test does not affect the result of the certification.
How can I prepare for the Cert. Senior Project Manager (IAPM) certification exam?
You have the opportunity to prepare for certification on your own. In our extensive bibliography you will find numerous literature suggestions. In any case, you should take a look at our Project Managers' Guide (IAPM) free of charge. This guide lists and describes all topics relevant to the exam.
Furthermore, you can prepare for your certification in the form of a seminar with one of our certified training partners. In these seminars you will learn all relevant contents in a clear and practical way. Please send us a request via our certification assistant.
In order to test and possibly improve your knowledge in advance, we offer you the opportunity to take a charged self-test. The self-test is an online test that is usefully taken before the actual certification exam. It serves to determine in which subject areas you still have knowledge deficits. After passing the self-test, you will receive an e-mail from us with the evaluation of your test and corresponding recommendations for action. The result of the self-test does not affect the result of the certification.
How do I register for the appropriate self-test associated with my certification?
You can register for your self-test using the online registration form on our website. After sending the registration you will receive the corresponding invoice. This must be paid within 10 days. After receipt of payment you will receive by e-mail your personal IAPM Identification Code (IAPMIC) and your access link. This allows you to register for the self-test. From receipt of the invoice you have 12 months time to take the self-test.
How many questions do I have to answer for the self-test regarding agile project management?
For the self-test in agile project management, 25 questions must be answered within 20 minutes.
How many questions do I have to answer for the self-test regarding international project management?
For the self-test concerning international project management, 20 questions must be answered within 15 minutes.
How many questions do I have to answer for the self-test regarding the traditional project management?
For the self-test concerning traditional project management, 25 questions must be answered within 20 minutes.
How much is the self-test?
The IAPM as an international, world-wide association wants to give as many people as possible the possibility of a certification. Since income varies widely from country to country, for the IAPM the gross domestic product of the country, the prospective examinee holds the citizenship, counts as basis for the certification and self-test costs. Here you can see the cost of certification depending on your citizenship.
How much time do I have to answer self-test questions in international project management?
For the self-test concerning international project management, 20 questions must be answered within 15 minutes.
How much time do I have to answer the questions during the self-test in the traditional project management?
For the self-test concerning traditional project management, 25 questions must be answered within 20 minutes.
How much time do I have to answer the self-test questions in agile project management?
For the self-test in agile project management, 25 questions must be answered within 20 minutes.
How to get an IAPM certification?
You prepare for your certification according to your desired method (preparation training and/or self-study). To check your level of knowledge, you can take a charged self-test online. To do so, please register via our website. You will then receive the corresponding invoice for the self-test. After payment of the invoice you will receive the access details and can pass your self-test. The IAPM evaluates it and sends you the result by e-mail, as well as information on the subject areas in which deficits still need to be compensated. If you feel sufficiently prepared, register for your certification. After checking your application you will receive your invoice. After payment of the invoice you will receive your access details for your certification by e-mail. You have six months from receipt of your access details to take your exam. After successfully passing the exam, you will receive your lifelong certificate by e-mail.
If you plan to get the certification as Cert. Junior Project Manager (IAPM) or Cert. Junior Agile Project Manager (IAPM), the self-test is called "pre-test". This is already included in the certification fee for the certification as Cert. Junior Project Manager (IAPM) or Cert. Junior Agile Project Manager (IAPM). There is only one registration for pre-test and certification and therefore only one invoice. However, you will receive two access links, one for the pre-test and one for your certification.
I have already registered for a certification exam/ self-test, but will not be able to take the test in the near future. Which are my options?
The time slot starts from the day of registration. You have 12 months from this day to take the test. A further extension is possible for a fee of 35 CHF per test.
If you have cooperated with a training partner, this or your HR department have to extend the period.
If you have registered on your own for the respective test without a training partner, please contact our support team.
In both cases, you must already have been registered in the IAPM system and submit your IAPMIC to the IAPM for the extension process.
Is it mandatory to take the self-test prior to the certification exam?
No. The self-test is voluntary. We recommend that you use this facility to obtain an independent assessment of your knowledge prior to taking the actual certification exam. Please note that you can only take the self-test per certification process once and that the self-test is not free of charge.
What are the technical requirements for taking the exam with Classmarker?
A current browser and a stable Internet connection are required for a smooth execution of the test. JavaScript and cookies must be activated (usually they are active by default). No plugins such as Java, Flash or ActiveX are necessary. Further information can also be found here.
What is a self-test?
The self-test is a stand-alone test that is independent of the actual certification exam. The self-test consists of 25 questions that must be answered within 20 minutes. It gives you the opportunity to prepare for the certification exam in the form of a preparatory test. The self-test is not an exam and the result will not affect your final exam score. It is designed to help you identify areas of deficiency in your knowledge.
For a self-test related to your desired certification, you can register here. There is a charge for taking the test.
Once you have completed the self-test, you will receive an e-mail from us within three working days with the five areas in which you scored the lowest points and recommendations on how you can close any gaps in your knowledge. You can then decide whether to take your certification exam now, or to study on your own or attend a preparatory training course at one of our IAPM Training Partners. Please note that you can only take the self-test once and that the access link to the self-test is valid for 12 months from the date of registration.
In the case of the Certified Junior Project Manager (IAPM) or Certified Junior Agile Project Manager (IAPM) certification, the preparatory test is called a "pre-test", and the cost of the pre-test is already included in the certification fee for the Certified Junior Project Manager (IAPM) or Certified Junior Agile Project Manager.
What is the difference between the pre-test and a self-test?
The preparation test for Cert. Junior Project Manager (IAPM) and Cert. Junior Agile Project Manager (IAPM) is called a pre-test. The preparation test for all other certifications is called the self-test. However, the purpose is the same: you can take a self-test or pre-test before the actual certification test in order to test your knowledge and correct certain deficits. In terms of content, the questions of the respective preparation test are coordinated with the desired certification. The costs for the pre-test are already included in the certification fee for the Cert. Junior Project Manager (IAPM) and the Cert. Junior Agile Project Manager (IAPM), for all other certifications there are separate costs for the self-test.
Which are the technical requirements to be able to pass the exam with Classmarker?
For a smooth running of the exam, a current browser is required as well as a stable internet connection. JavaScript and cookies must be enabled (they are usually enabled by default). No plugins like Java, Flash or ActiveX are required. Further information can also be found here.
Which examination system does the IAPM use?
The IAPM uses the proven Classmarker exam system, which is also used at numerous well-known companies as B. Microsoft, Philipps or Stanford University.