All questions and answers on the subject "International PM Guide 2.0"
Are there any costs for downloading the IAPM PM Guides?
Accessing the PM Guides is free of charge. There are no fees.
How can I prepare for the Cert. International Project Manager (IAPM) certification exam?
You have the opportunity to prepare for certification on your own. In our extensive bibliography you will find numerous literature suggestions. In any case, you should download the International PM Guide 2.0 free of charge. This guide lists and describes all topics relevant to the exam.
Furthermore, you can prepare for your certification in the form of a seminar with one of our certified training partners. In these seminars you will learn all relevant contents in a clear and practical way. Please send us a request via our certification assistant.
In order to test and possibly improve your knowledge in advance, we offer you the opportunity to take a charged self-test. The self-test is an online test that is usefully taken before the actual certification exam. It serves to determine in which subject areas you still have knowledge deficits. After passing the self-test, you will receive an e-mail from us with the evaluation of your test and corresponding recommendations for action. The result of the self-test does not affect the result of the certification.
Is learning and understanding the contents of the International PM Guide 2.0 sufficient to pass the Certified International Project Manager (IAPM) exam?
No, that is not sufficient. The International PM Guide 2.0 forms the basis of the Certified International Project Manager (IAPM) certification exam. It merely gives you an overview of the exam-relevant topics that you must master for the exam. To prepare for the certification exam, you should learn the topics in detail. To do this, you can do online research, read the recommended literature or be trained by one of our training partners.
What are the PM Guides of the IAPM?
The respective PM Guide is a guide that lists and discusses all the topics that are needed as a basis for carrying out a traditional, agile or international project. Moreover, the guides also provide the educational requirements of the respective IAPM certification.
To prepare for the exam, we recommend that you learn the topics listed in the PM Guide in more depth. To do this, you can research online, read the recommended literature, (if available: use the web-learning platform) or get trained by one of our training partners.
Where can I find literature that will help me preparing for the Cert. International Project Manager (IAPM) certification?
Our website provides a comprehensive bibliography. This contains recommendations on traditional, agile and international project management. There you will find standard references as well as specific in-depth literature, with which you can rely on the Cert. International Project Manager (IAPM) certification exam. In any case, we recommend that you read and learn the contents of the International PM Guide 2.0 of the IAPM in its current version.
Which PM Guides are offered by the IAPM?
The IAPM offers the following PM Guides:
Project Managers' Guide (IAPM): This covers the topics of traditional project management.
Agile Project Managers' Guide (IAPM): This covers the topics of agile project management.
International PM Guide 2.0: This covers the topics of international project management.
Which subject areas do I have to master for the Cert. International Project Manager (IAPM) certification?
Basis for certification as Cert. International Project Manager (IAPM) forms the International PM Guide 2.0 of the IAPM in its current version. This guide lists and describes all topics relevant to the exam. You can download the International PM Guide 2.0 for free. Further literature can be found in our extensive bibliography.