My book tip! Number 3:
Dr. Michael Homberg

“I believe that there is a far better way for project managers to keep on top of their professions than re-certification exams,” said consultant, trainer, coach and moderator Dr. Michael Homberg, making reference to his book recommendation. Dr. Homberg, founder and proprietor of his own management consultancy firm, ‘Management-Beratung Dr. Homberg’, prefers IAPM certificates because, unlike many other project management certificates, they have lifetime validity. “I think that the mandatory re-certification processes at other project management associations are hindering project managers from independently developing their competencies to their organisations‘ specific requirements. The book that I’ve recommended will help project managers to fine tune the skills that they need in their everyday work.”
Tip no. 1
Atul Gawande: The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right. Macmillan, New York.
“Many companies and organisations could achieve striking improvements that save them hundreds of millions of euros and affect many thousands of people’s lives with the targeted use of good quality checklists. In riveting stories, Atul Gawande reveals what checklists can do. He practices general and endocrine surgery at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, he is Professor of Surgery at Harvard Medical School and Professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management at the Harvard School of Public Health. He also serves as lead advisor for the World Health Organization’s Safe Surgery Saves Lives programme. Gawande explains how top experts with specialist knowledge are some of the people who would benefit most from using checklists, and how checklists can be used in communication planning to control the many unknown variables. The book includes many interesting stories taken from the aviation and hospital healthcare sectors, the World Health Organisation, project-oriented organisations and the construction industry. After reading it, you’ll realise just how many other sectors could benefit from checklists.”
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