13th IPMM in Nuremberg on 24 November 2012

As an IAPM certificate holder, you are a proven expert on the subject of project management. We’d like to discuss new trends in project management with you. This will help us to identify the issues that we project managers will have to consider and possibly develop concepts for in future so that we can continue to implement successful projects in a globalised world.
Our thirteenth International Project Manager Meeting (IPMM) is being held on 24 November 2012. In 2011 the venue was Florence. This year, for the second time, the IPMM is taking place in Germany - in the ancient imperial city of Nuremberg.
As participants of previous IPMMs are already aware, the IPMM is a chaired open space meeting with an open agenda.
We have already received confirmations from well-known experts in the German and international project management scene. Dr. Christopher Hausmann, Dr. Michael Homberg, Dr. Roland Ottmann and Dr. Hans Stromeyer are all experienced meeting chairs and competent project managers, so we are looking forward to a first rate event.
Attendance costs 50% of the "Certified Project Manager" self-test fee. (That is € 50.80 for a German participant).
When you have confirmed your attendance we will send you a schedule of fees and further information about the event.
We’re looking forward to talking with you!
Antje Funck M.A.
IAPM Representative
IAPM International Association of Project Managers
Agenda of the 13th International Project Manager Meeting 2012
9:30 - onwards - Arrival
10:00 - Welcome
10:15 - “The Crisis in the Project” – Dr. Hans Stromeyer
11:00 - Break
11:30 - Introduction of the group leaders
11:45 - Open Space I in three groups (Dr. Christopher Hausmann, Dr. Michael Homberg, Dr. Roland Ottmann)
12:45 - Lunch break
13:45 - Open Space II in three groups (Dr. Christopher Hausmann, Dr. Michael Homberg, Dr. Roland Ottmann)
15:15 - Break
15:45 - Summary of the Open Space results
16:00 - Concluding speech
16:30 - End of the 13th IPMM
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