“The quality of project management is of immense significance to economic performance.”

The first IAPM Project Manager of the Year Award was presented on 20 September. What made the IAPM decide to initiate the award?
Dr. Hans Stromeyer: In this day and age, many specialists in different locations and generally also in different countries are involved in the implementation of a project. That’s why project management quality is a key economic factor. However, the public at large still believes that innovative products are what drive the economy. With our award, we want to put the spotlight on project management as an organisational field that is becoming increasingly significant in the global age.
What criteria does an IAPM Project Manager of the Year have to satisfy?
Dr. Hans Stromeyer: The award is presented for excellence in three specific areas and our first award winner, Jörg Völler , demonstrated excellence in all three. An IAPM Project Manager of the Year also has to demonstrate comprehensive project management knowledge by passing the IAPM Certified Senior Project Manager examination with distinction. The second criterion is project management experience. The award winner provided proof of this by stating 5 projects that he has managed. The third criterion is an ability to apply this knowledge in every-day project management. This depends on the project manager’s personal conduct in his environment, so the soft factors such as customer centricity, team spirit and management quality are very important. That’s why we interview managers who are familiar with the potential award winner’s practical work.
Does the award winner receive a money prize?
Dr. Hans Stromeyer: The objective of the award is to present to the public a project manager who has set future benchmarks with his or her professional and social competence. The award also provides corporate organisations with an idea of how the top people in the industry work and why it is important to continuously optimise project management quality. We want to raise awareness for the economics of quality by investing our budget funds in public relations work. That’s why the award is not endowed.
The first award winner is a German project manager. Will the award be going to another industrial nation in 2013?
Dr. Hans Stromeyer: There can only be one award winner each year, so anything can happen. The IAPM is a global organisation. Many of our planet’s developing nations are closing the gap to their industrial counterparts fast. This development will put a stronger focus on project management and project management will have to play a more significant role in these nations. We are confident that, before long, there will be an award winner from a developing nation. We also believe that the global economy can only function efficiently if these nations continue to close the gap and evolve into relevant markets. I think that, over the years, our award will come to reflect a global trend.
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