Critical Chain - less is more?
26.08.2019 -
Have you ever heard the term "critical chain"? In project management, this term appears again and again when it comes to the critical path in the project schedule and lean management. But what exactly does critical chain mean for a project manager in everyday life? One could roughly describe a critical chain as "less is more". But how can it be that in a project environment where deadlines and budgets are exceeded, less management is better? Shouldn't the PM use all the levers to achieve the goals through more and better management performance? Generally speaking, yes. But that's exactly what the critical chain is all about: concentrating on the essentials, on the critical, and saving where possible.
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Lean principles - the fight against waste
13.08.2019 -
Lean Management has been known in project management for several decades. It was developed to optimize processes in industry in order to make the supply chain of goods more efficient.
However, the lean principle can also be applied to other fields - since the principle of wasting as few resources as possible and optimizing processes accordingly has become in demand throughout the economy. Every action to minimize the unnecessary consumption of money, time and resources is therefore welcome. In a project, it is up to the project manager to lead his project into this direction. It therefore makes sense for every project manager to deal with the lean principle.
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Digitisation in the health care sector
05.08.2019 -
On the web platform "Industry of Things" Lisa Marie Waschbusch focuses on the topic of digitization in the health care system. The industry has annual expenditures of around 290 billion euros. According to a study by McKinsey from the year 2018, about 34 billion euros could be saved in Germany every year if digitization were to be implemented effectively across the board in the healthcare sector.
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Project management software: factro develops notification system
25.07.2019 -
factro from Germany is still considered an insider tip among PM tools, but the underdog from Bochum is increasingly developing into a real alternative to the US players Asana, Trello & Co. The new software release includes the further development of an intelligent notification system.
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14 errors in project management by Alexander Galdy
19.07.2019 -
In Manager Magazin online Alexander Galdy writes about mistakes in project management. Anyone who is involved in project management can immediately name a number of typical problems that can be attributed to errors in project management and that occur again and again. For his article, Alexander Galdy has chosen 14 typical errors from IT project management that he finds particularly important, and he wants to give other project managers tips on how to avoid these errors.
At the beginning of his article in Manager Magazine, Galdy points out that in IT only a third of all projects are successfully completed. Mistakes can therefore have devastating consequences. Galdy sees wrong personnel decisions as one of the main mistakes. If you don't have the right specialists for your project or don't make them available, you don't have the necessary know-how at hand and would most likely fail.
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Agile Kitchen – Agility as a team event
11.07.2019 -
If you ask employees what they think about changing their work processes completely, perhaps even giving up their previous title to work in the future in an agile way as part of a team, one thing is certain: you won't generate much enthusiasm. The new world of work offers many advantages - for the company, for the team and for each individual. If the future team members get to know these benefits in a protected space, under safe conditions and in an atmosphere in which they feel comfortable. In a space where they can gain their own experience in an informal way and are empowered in the process, the willingness to accept new conditions is much higher.
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How to find the best project management software in 4 steps – Step 3: Software testing
05.07.2019 -
You want to manage your projects more easily, transparently and successfully?
You are looking for a project management tool that is a support in complex projects as well as in your daily processes?
But which tool is the right for you? There are more than 700 suppliers of project management software – obviously, that is not an easy decision.
Choosing the right project management software is connected with great effort and financial risks.
And yet it is not impossible to find the tool that fits your company and your employees. All you have to do is get this project right.
We provide you with a guide for the selection and introduction of PM tools. You can work your way up step by step by finding and implementing your individual software solution.
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What is a resourcing process and how should it flow?
26.06.2019 -
For the imaginary company behind the case there are 500 people providing professional services. Our example organisation has multiple departments which contain several different teams. However, most of the roles and responsibilities presented are applicable to other types of businesses as well.
The roles that are presented in the basic model of a resourcing process are: project manager, sales manager, team manager, department director and controller. All are essentially included in the resource management process.
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How to find the best project management software in 4 steps – Step 2: Requirements
03.06.2019 -
You are looking for a project management tool, which facilitates your daily work? Yet, you have probably recognized, that this undertaking is not that easy.
There is a huge number of suppliers – and this fact complicates the process of choosing the right provider as well as increase the financial risk of the aforementioned.
How to find a software which is suitable for me, my company and my working methods?
Unfortunately, there is no “complete solution”. But with this series of articles we offer you a guideline on the selection and implementation of PM tools, that you’ll have the necessary instruments to find your individual solution.
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The Importance of Project Management Tools in Virtual Teams
24.05.2019 -
Overseeing projects is a complex undertaking. Business owners need a reliable system to help them plan and execute all parts of the project management process and be able to communicate properly with those involved at the same time. Communication is key when working on a project with a team, even more so when working with a virtual team. Traditional methods of resolving project conflicts like in-person meetings can’t be implemented with virtual assistants due to them being in different locations and time zones. But with online project management tools, we’re now able to curb the limitations of non-face-to-face interactions with virtual teams.
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