The importance of maturity in the digital world

Data as merchandise
Digital technologies and modern devices can make our lives easier, and time supposedly gained by new technologies is always welcome, no matter what age - and digitalization accelerates many things. Lothar Schröder is surprised by the term "time gain", which in his eyes sounds absurd. In addition, most people invest their "gained" time directly in an activity again, with which it is already "lost" again.
Digital technologies can save us a lot of time and help us with everyday tasks. But they can also be dangerous or cause a lot of trouble. There was an outcry from society when it became known that our data on the Internet had become a commodity. Lothar Schröder shows how these scandals cause worries and unpleasant feelings, but how often a feeling of helplessness develops after the first anger. After all, as a customer and user of the Internet, you are at the mercy of many things, unless you are very familiar with the corresponding protective measures and technologies. If you want to use certain services, you have to disclose your data.
That seems unfair, but it is the price that is often charged for free services. To have control over one's data and only state what is really required, and above all to state it only where it is as secure as possible - that is the challenge in the digital age.
Maturity means awareness and self-determination
Optimization is an omnipresent term. The Internet and digital technologies should show us the way, bring a benefit, provide information and evaluate it - and all this as quickly as possible. In order to get the most out of the Internet and all its services, it is essential to provide data. Lothar Schröder knows this and all users know it. However, everyone wants to remain in control of their data as far as possible and know how they are used. The European Data Protection Basic Regulation provides guidelines as to what is legal and what is illegal. But how do you know who respects the law and who bends it or even breaks it? Once the data is stored somewhere, it can be disseminated and used - legally or illegally. Refusing to develop and simply not using the services seems no longer to be an acceptable solution today. But common sense is needed in order to maintain one's maturity and self-determination in the digital world.
Nobody should give their data indiscriminately and for any nonsense. It is certainly worthwhile to use various services online, both professionally and privately. But some offers may not necessarily be helpful and entail too many risks. Maturity also and above all means to be aware of the risks and, if so, to take them consciously.
There is nothing to be said against "wasting" your time on the Internet with something unproductive. Lothar Schröder regards the love of the useless as a luxury and a piece of joie de vivre. Make a conscious decision for or against certain offers on the Internet and in the digital world, no matter whether they support your work or bring "leisure fun". Allow yourself the luxury of deciding for yourself what you like, what you do online and what you want to use. But always keep the possible risks in mind!
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