Is scrum a career obstacle? Current fears of many test managers are unfounded.
07.11.2012 -
Software developers, architects, designers and testers will be discussing scrum trends, techniques and innovations at Agile Testing Days 2012 in Potsdam, Germany, from 19 to 22 November. 400 participants are expected to attend the international conference – twice the number of people who attended the first one three years ago.
The continuously increasing level of interest documents the shift away from traditional project management to agile project management at many software and IT companies. However, this development is associated with the negative side-effect that IT specialist employees are becoming increasingly concerned about their jobs. Test managers, in particular, fear that they will be pushed out as a result of the switch over to agile project organisations. Is scrum really a career obstacle to them?
André Häusling, careers advisor to IT professionals in agile project environments, answered this question with a clear “no” in the Computerwoche magazine. “Excellent testers are still needed in agile teams,” wrote the sector expert, and he advised test managers to take the initiative and obtain scrum certification. The IAPM’s Certified Scrum Manager certificate is a very attractive option for test managers because it covers all aspects and roles of scrum management in one single examination. Unlike other certification providers, the IAPM doesn’t impose any expensive re-certification requirements on its certificate holders. André Häusling also confirmed in Computerwoche that an investment in certification is definitely worthwhile. “In an agile environment, test managers with agile project management competencies are in high demand and they are paid annual salaries of EUR 80,000 and more,” said the proprietor of Scrumjobs, a HR consultancy firm.
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The continuously increasing level of interest documents the shift away from traditional project management to agile project management at many software and IT companies. However, this development is associated with the negative side-effect that IT specialist employees are becoming increasingly concerned about their jobs. Test managers, in particular, fear that they will be pushed out as a result of the switch over to agile project organisations. Is scrum really a career obstacle to them?
André Häusling, careers advisor to IT professionals in agile project environments, answered this question with a clear “no” in the Computerwoche magazine. “Excellent testers are still needed in agile teams,” wrote the sector expert, and he advised test managers to take the initiative and obtain scrum certification. The IAPM’s Certified Scrum Manager certificate is a very attractive option for test managers because it covers all aspects and roles of scrum management in one single examination. Unlike other certification providers, the IAPM doesn’t impose any expensive re-certification requirements on its certificate holders. André Häusling also confirmed in Computerwoche that an investment in certification is definitely worthwhile. “In an agile environment, test managers with agile project management competencies are in high demand and they are paid annual salaries of EUR 80,000 and more,” said the proprietor of Scrumjobs, a HR consultancy firm.
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