IAPM Essentials #29 - News from the project management world

What was eventful last week? What has happened in project management? Here you can find articles worth reading and links to videos or podcasts that we warmly recommend.

To put it briefly: Essentials from the world of project management.

Enjoy reading!
Logo of the IAPM Essentials number 29.

IAPM Essentials November 17, 2020

This week, these three articles were particularly inspiring:

Discovering Value
In agile projects or agile software development the delivery of valuable product increments is essential. Ken Roberts noted that Product Owners in project-oriented organisations in particular have problems with this, as discussions about value often end up talking about prioritising the project.
But what does value mean at this point? Four different value statuses can be distinguished: Potential value, discovered value, replicated value and liquid value. Ken Roberts remarks that a project for which the scope and total costs are fixed is not predestined to generate value because such a project loses flexibility. However, flexibility is not the only thing that is important to generate value - feedback also plays an important role. Feedback can influence the work and therefore generates value.
Click here to read the original article.

The Challenge of Backlog Refinement
A widespread misconception is that there is no planning in Scrum. In his article Erik de Bos discusses the relevance of planning, especially the Backlog Refinement. If you simply start programming in a project without having a rough plan of what the goal is, you can start quickly, but then the work is not very goal-oriented.
A Backlog Refinement can help, because the team has to think about how and why something is being built and how much effort the product increment will require. The better the synergies between the Product Owner and the Scrum Master are, the better the Backlog Refinement.
It is recommended that about three future sprints have already gone through the Backlog Refinement process. One advantage of the Backlog Refinement event, which does not necessarily have to be a meeting, is that Product Owner and Development Team work more closely together.
Click here to read the original article.

What is the Story with User Stories?
Within an agile project User Stories are often used although they are not an official Scrum artifact. Anthony Mersino finds User Stories helpful, but he has often experienced that they are misused. He would like to emphasise that User Stories basically have the purpose of encouraging conversation and promoting a common understanding. Some organisations have perfected the misuse of User Stories by hiring special "Story Writers", which is both an insult to the Development Team and a waste of resources.
The important thing about User Stories is that they are concise, yet clearly described and stimulate discussion.
Click here to read the original article.

Further articles worth reading and podcasts worth listening, you should not miss:

Agile Coach, Scrum Master, Change Agent…Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them!
Click here to read the recommended article.

Agilität in der Hardwareentwicklung
(en.: Agility when developing hardware)
Click here to read the recommended article.

CIOs gefragt: Das sind die Erfolgsfaktoren für IT-Projekte
(en.: CIOs are asked: These are the success factors for IT projects)
Click here to read the recommended article.

Entscheidungen, die entscheidend sind
(en.: Decisions which are crucial)
Click here to read the recommended article.

Folge 1: Mein Spiel ist kaputt: Pre-Production (Prototyp)
(en.: Episode 1: My game is broken: pre-production (prototype))
Click here to read the recommended article.

International Project Management Day: History and Importance of the IPM Day
Click here to read the recommended article.

Lean Production vs. Planwirtschaft
(en.: Lean production vs. planned economy)
Click here to read the recommended article.

Mit dem EPIQ-Modell besser Feedback geben
(en.: Give better feedback with the EPIQ model)
Click here to read the recommended article.

Roadmaps Are Dead. Long Live Roadmaps! – Janna Bastow on The Product Experience
Click here to read the recommended article.

Spotify’s New Experimentation Platform (Part 1)
Click here to read the recommended article.

Stift und Papier: 5 Gründe, warum agile Spitzenunternehmen darauf setzen
(en.: Pen and paper: 5 reasons why top agile companies rely on it )
Click here to read the recommended article.

Author: IAPM intern
Keywords: IAPM Essentials, Links, News

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