IAPM Essentials #126- News from the project management world
What was eventful last week? What has happened in project management? Here you can find articles worth reading and links to videos or podcasts that we warmly recommend.
To put it briefly: Essentials from the world of project management.
Enjoy reading!
To put it briefly: Essentials from the world of project management.
Enjoy reading!

IAPM Essentials October 04, 2022
This week, these three articles were particularly inspiring:
How does Magic Estimation work? – German language
The magic estimate can be magical, as the name suggests, because it is a change from the conventional estimation. The advantage of this procedure is that only what people disagree on is discussed. The procedure is quite simple: You first create a magic estimation table. This has several numbered columns, with the columns corresponding to the workload. Then, one team member at a time places the individual user stories, previously written on sticky notes, in the column of their choice. When everything is positioned, everyone has the opportunity to rearrange the sticky notes and put them back in the place of their choice. Once the sticky note has been moved, it is given a mark to indicate that it has been moved. As soon as there is no more action, the discussion begins. If there are notes without a mark, there is obviously a consensus and they are ticked off, leaving only the marked notes. What is the next step and what else should you consider? We recommend reading the original article!
Click here to read the original article.
Head of Product is a role that many project managers probably aspire to. What can you expect and what are your responsibilities in this role? Simply put, the Head of Product is the supervisor of the Product Manager or Product Owner. However, the specific scope of duties may vary from company to company. One task of the Head of Product is that of any management position - leadership. He ensures a productive working environment in which all team members can feel comfortable. Leadership does not stop with the team. A good Head of Product also works on himself without overtaxing himself and reflects on his work. This ensures a sustainable way of working. What other skills should he possess and what tasks fall within his scope of work? We recommend reading the original article!
Click here to read the original article.
Self-efficacy: fundamental for agile working – German language
Do you feel that you are self-efficacious in your work? In this context, self-efficacy means that you seize the opportunities that come your way because you know that you can cope successfully with the opportunities. Self-efficacious work increases your motivation because you achieve the goals you set for yourself and are successful in what you do. At this point you may be wondering why many more people don't work in a self-effective way if it can be so motivating and ultimately successful. The reason is that self-efficacy requires not only an inner drive but also the right environment. In an organisation that relies on hierarchies and top-down communication, employees will not be able to work self-efficaciously. We recommend reading the original article if you want to learn how to work more self-efficaciously and what companies can do.
Click here to read the original article.
The magic estimate can be magical, as the name suggests, because it is a change from the conventional estimation. The advantage of this procedure is that only what people disagree on is discussed. The procedure is quite simple: You first create a magic estimation table. This has several numbered columns, with the columns corresponding to the workload. Then, one team member at a time places the individual user stories, previously written on sticky notes, in the column of their choice. When everything is positioned, everyone has the opportunity to rearrange the sticky notes and put them back in the place of their choice. Once the sticky note has been moved, it is given a mark to indicate that it has been moved. As soon as there is no more action, the discussion begins. If there are notes without a mark, there is obviously a consensus and they are ticked off, leaving only the marked notes. What is the next step and what else should you consider? We recommend reading the original article!
Click here to read the original article.
Head of Product is a role that many project managers probably aspire to. What can you expect and what are your responsibilities in this role? Simply put, the Head of Product is the supervisor of the Product Manager or Product Owner. However, the specific scope of duties may vary from company to company. One task of the Head of Product is that of any management position - leadership. He ensures a productive working environment in which all team members can feel comfortable. Leadership does not stop with the team. A good Head of Product also works on himself without overtaxing himself and reflects on his work. This ensures a sustainable way of working. What other skills should he possess and what tasks fall within his scope of work? We recommend reading the original article!
Click here to read the original article.
Self-efficacy: fundamental for agile working – German language
Do you feel that you are self-efficacious in your work? In this context, self-efficacy means that you seize the opportunities that come your way because you know that you can cope successfully with the opportunities. Self-efficacious work increases your motivation because you achieve the goals you set for yourself and are successful in what you do. At this point you may be wondering why many more people don't work in a self-effective way if it can be so motivating and ultimately successful. The reason is that self-efficacy requires not only an inner drive but also the right environment. In an organisation that relies on hierarchies and top-down communication, employees will not be able to work self-efficaciously. We recommend reading the original article if you want to learn how to work more self-efficaciously and what companies can do.
Click here to read the original article.
Further articles worth reading and podcasts worth listening, you should not miss:
Make A Business Case For Continuous Delivery With Your Scrum Team
Click here to read the original article.
Sind Prozesse nur ein Charakteristikum etablierter Organisationen?
(en.: Are processes just a characteristic of established organisations?)
Click here to read the original article.
Who’s responsible for a Scrum Team’s performance?
Click here to read the original article.
4 Unterschiede, warum das Nexus Daily Scrum kein Scrum of Scrum ist
(en.: 4 differences as to why the Nexus Daily Scrum is not a Scrum of Scrum)
Click here to read the original article.
The Case for Allowing Scrum Teams to Choose Their Own Framework Is Dangerous, Actually
Click here to read the original article.
Call For Participants — the State of your Scrum Teams
Click here to read the original article.
Ausprobieren, wahrnehmen, antworten. Wie das Cynefin-Framework bei der Einführung von Innovationen helfen kann.
(en.: Try, perceive, answer. How the Cynefin framework can help introduce innovations.)
Click here to read the original article.
Some sketches about using User Stories to facilitate shared understanding: bad, better, best.
Click here to read the original article.
How do product design teams converge on an idea?
Click here to read the original article.
Roadmap-Beispiele: Die beliebtesten Roadmaps im Überblick
(en.: Roadmap examples: The most popular roadmaps at a glance)
Click here to read the original article.
Click here to read the original article.
Sind Prozesse nur ein Charakteristikum etablierter Organisationen?
(en.: Are processes just a characteristic of established organisations?)
Click here to read the original article.
Who’s responsible for a Scrum Team’s performance?
Click here to read the original article.
4 Unterschiede, warum das Nexus Daily Scrum kein Scrum of Scrum ist
(en.: 4 differences as to why the Nexus Daily Scrum is not a Scrum of Scrum)
Click here to read the original article.
The Case for Allowing Scrum Teams to Choose Their Own Framework Is Dangerous, Actually
Click here to read the original article.
Call For Participants — the State of your Scrum Teams
Click here to read the original article.
Ausprobieren, wahrnehmen, antworten. Wie das Cynefin-Framework bei der Einführung von Innovationen helfen kann.
(en.: Try, perceive, answer. How the Cynefin framework can help introduce innovations.)
Click here to read the original article.
Some sketches about using User Stories to facilitate shared understanding: bad, better, best.
Click here to read the original article.
How do product design teams converge on an idea?
Click here to read the original article.
Roadmap-Beispiele: Die beliebtesten Roadmaps im Überblick
(en.: Roadmap examples: The most popular roadmaps at a glance)
Click here to read the original article.

Author: IAPM internal
Keywords: IAPM Essentials, Links, News