Web-learning platform Extreme Programming
A fortnight ago, the chapter about the agile method Kanban was published on our web-learning platform, and today the next method follows: Extreme Programming, or XP for short. This method focuses on solving a programming task. However, this does not mean that this method is only relevant for developers and programmers. Some basic aspects and attitudes of Extreme Programming can also be used in other projects.
In the latest chapter, you will learn about the framework conditions of Extreme Programming and how you can create added value with XP. Since Scrum is the framework that has made up most of the web-learning platform so far, you will find a comparison of Scrum and XP at the end of the chapter.
What happens next?
This chapter concludes the part on "Agile Project Management" and the next part will be about "People in Agile Projects". In the coming weeks you will learn more about soft skills.
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Whenever we publish a new chapter, we will inform you about it on LinkedIn. So it's worth following us!
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Author: IAPM internal
Key words: News, Agile project management, Extreme Programming