IAPM Essentials #85 - News from the project management world
What was eventful last week? What has happened in project management? Here you can find articles worth reading and links to videos or podcasts that we warmly recommend.
To put it briefly: Essentials from the world of project management.
Enjoy reading!
To put it briefly: Essentials from the world of project management.
Enjoy reading!

IAPM Essentials December 21, 2021
This week, these three articles were particularly inspiring:
A Retrospective for Scrum Masters - German language
Let’s start today’s Essentials with something to listen to – a podcast by Marc Löffler on the topic of the Scrum Master’s Retrospective. Although the Scrum Master is responsible for improving the Scrum process and the collaboration of the Scrum Team by consistently implementing the findings from the Sprint Retrospectives, is there also a way to analyse and improve the Scrum Master’s way of working? Yes, there is: a Retrospective for Scrum Masters! With his soft voice, Marc explains how this method of self-evaluation can look like and what advantages it brings for the Scrum Master. Even for people who do not listen to podcasts, it is worthwhile to drop by – as the questions you can ask yourself for this assessment are also included in the text.
Click here to read the original article.
A Christmas Carol - German language
Right on time for the holidays, a thoughtful story of a business manager who experiences a veritable rollercoaster ride of emotions in the night before Christmas. Inspired by Charles Dickens' novella "A Christmas Carol", Tobias Leisgang depicts the nocturnal experiences of Karl, a self-employed entrepreneur, to whom the three ghosts of Christmas appear. As in Dickens' work of the same name, they show him the past, present and future developments in his life – with a special touch of sustainability. Although this blog article may seem like a rebuke, it is nevertheless a delightful story with important content that should make everyone reflect during this thoughtful time of the year.
Click here to read the original article.
OKRs at scale
Anyone who has ever heard of Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) knows that this is a results-oriented method for effectively communicating project or company goals. The aim of this type of leadership is to provide the team with specific objectives and milestones for a shared understanding so that everyone is on the same course. However, some companies fail to scale these OKRs effectively when many teams are working in parallel. But with some guidance, it is possible to scale OKRs successfully without compromising team performance. Are you wondering how to do this? Then we recommend you take a look at the article by Jeff Gothelf!
Click here to read the original article.
Let’s start today’s Essentials with something to listen to – a podcast by Marc Löffler on the topic of the Scrum Master’s Retrospective. Although the Scrum Master is responsible for improving the Scrum process and the collaboration of the Scrum Team by consistently implementing the findings from the Sprint Retrospectives, is there also a way to analyse and improve the Scrum Master’s way of working? Yes, there is: a Retrospective for Scrum Masters! With his soft voice, Marc explains how this method of self-evaluation can look like and what advantages it brings for the Scrum Master. Even for people who do not listen to podcasts, it is worthwhile to drop by – as the questions you can ask yourself for this assessment are also included in the text.
Click here to read the original article.
A Christmas Carol - German language
Right on time for the holidays, a thoughtful story of a business manager who experiences a veritable rollercoaster ride of emotions in the night before Christmas. Inspired by Charles Dickens' novella "A Christmas Carol", Tobias Leisgang depicts the nocturnal experiences of Karl, a self-employed entrepreneur, to whom the three ghosts of Christmas appear. As in Dickens' work of the same name, they show him the past, present and future developments in his life – with a special touch of sustainability. Although this blog article may seem like a rebuke, it is nevertheless a delightful story with important content that should make everyone reflect during this thoughtful time of the year.
Click here to read the original article.
OKRs at scale
Anyone who has ever heard of Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) knows that this is a results-oriented method for effectively communicating project or company goals. The aim of this type of leadership is to provide the team with specific objectives and milestones for a shared understanding so that everyone is on the same course. However, some companies fail to scale these OKRs effectively when many teams are working in parallel. But with some guidance, it is possible to scale OKRs successfully without compromising team performance. Are you wondering how to do this? Then we recommend you take a look at the article by Jeff Gothelf!
Click here to read the original article.
Further articles worth reading and podcasts worth listening, you should not miss:
4 Tips on How To Make OKRs Coaching More Successful
Click here to read the original article.
5 (more) Common Misconceptions about Scrum
Click here to read the original article.
Die 7 Todsünden des Projektmanagements
(en.: The 7 deadly sins of project management=
Click here to read the original article.
Escaping The Blame Game!
Click here to read the original article.
How Story Points turned to the dark side
Click here to read the original article.
Metrics for effectiveness of enterprise agility and leadership through organisational psychology
Click here to read the original article.
Overcoming the Most Common Product Owners’ Anti-Patterns
Click here to read the original article.
Raus aus der Komfortzone: Die 5 wichtigsten Fragen gelingender Organisationsentwicklung
(en.: Get out of the comfort zone: The 5 most important questions for successful organisational development)
Click here to read the original article.
Warum ein Ziel nicht gleich einem Ziel ist
(en.: Why a goal is not just a goal)
Click here to read the original article.
Warum sich Product Owner bei der Bearbeitungsdauer von Features nicht auf die durchschnittliche Velocity verlassen sollten und was sie stattdessen tun können
(en.: Why Product Owners should not rely on average velocity for feature turnaround time and what they can do instead)
Click here to read the original article.
Click here to read the original article.
5 (more) Common Misconceptions about Scrum
Click here to read the original article.
Die 7 Todsünden des Projektmanagements
(en.: The 7 deadly sins of project management=
Click here to read the original article.
Escaping The Blame Game!
Click here to read the original article.
How Story Points turned to the dark side
Click here to read the original article.
Metrics for effectiveness of enterprise agility and leadership through organisational psychology
Click here to read the original article.
Overcoming the Most Common Product Owners’ Anti-Patterns
Click here to read the original article.
Raus aus der Komfortzone: Die 5 wichtigsten Fragen gelingender Organisationsentwicklung
(en.: Get out of the comfort zone: The 5 most important questions for successful organisational development)
Click here to read the original article.
Warum ein Ziel nicht gleich einem Ziel ist
(en.: Why a goal is not just a goal)
Click here to read the original article.
Warum sich Product Owner bei der Bearbeitungsdauer von Features nicht auf die durchschnittliche Velocity verlassen sollten und was sie stattdessen tun können
(en.: Why Product Owners should not rely on average velocity for feature turnaround time and what they can do instead)
Click here to read the original article.

Author: IAPM internal
Keywords: IAPM Essentials, Links, News