IAPM Essentials #56 - News from the project management world
What was eventful last week? What has happened in project management? Here you can find articles worth reading and links to videos or podcasts that we warmly recommend.
To put it briefly: Essentials from the world of project management.
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To put it briefly: Essentials from the world of project management.
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IAPM Essentials May 25, 2021
This week, these three articles were particularly inspiring:
Leaders, don’t use agile for everything!
You may have wondered why not all projects are managed using agile approaches in the future, especially when these methods and frameworks could be integrated so well into a volatile and complex world. But be careful, the use of agile does not pay off in all projects! Whether traditional or agile project management approaches should be used depends crucially on the complexity and controllability of the processes. But when should the waterfall model be preferred over agile approaches and which projects are really worth using agile methods? Learn more about this topic in the article from Matthew Hodgson. There you will also learn how the role of an "Agile Leader" differs from that of a "Traditional Manager", so make sure you don't miss it!
Click here to read the original article.
Lean and the courage to face uncertainty - (German language)
Anyone who is operating in the Lean environment knows how important continuous improvement is. But the path that has to be taken to achieve improvement is characterised by uncertainty - because improvement can only be achieved if new paths are taken and if new things are learned along the way. Courage is needed to follow this path and to achieve the desired goal. After all, the temptation to accept the very first solution in order to leave the uncertain path is enormous. Courage is also needed when it comes to admitting and correcting mistakes one has made. Do you want to know how a leader can deal with team members' uncertainties? Then read the article written by Götz Müller on this topic.
Click here to read the original article.
The Remote Productivity Paradox - (German language)
Since the outbreak of the pandemic, many employees have been working from home, if possible. Many employees feel that they are more productive when they work from home. But does this actually correspond to reality? In his article, Felix Stein describes the remote productivity paradox, which deals with perceived productivity. According to a recent study, the productivity that employees feel and the actual productivity that companies assess diverge. This is because employees and companies have different views on productivity. Employees feel more productive when they spend a lot of time at their desk, i.e. working. But for companies, work is considered productive when appropriate results are achieved. How do you feel? Do you feel you are more productive when working from home? Feel free to share your thoughts with us.
Click here to read the original article.
You may have wondered why not all projects are managed using agile approaches in the future, especially when these methods and frameworks could be integrated so well into a volatile and complex world. But be careful, the use of agile does not pay off in all projects! Whether traditional or agile project management approaches should be used depends crucially on the complexity and controllability of the processes. But when should the waterfall model be preferred over agile approaches and which projects are really worth using agile methods? Learn more about this topic in the article from Matthew Hodgson. There you will also learn how the role of an "Agile Leader" differs from that of a "Traditional Manager", so make sure you don't miss it!
Click here to read the original article.
Lean and the courage to face uncertainty - (German language)
Anyone who is operating in the Lean environment knows how important continuous improvement is. But the path that has to be taken to achieve improvement is characterised by uncertainty - because improvement can only be achieved if new paths are taken and if new things are learned along the way. Courage is needed to follow this path and to achieve the desired goal. After all, the temptation to accept the very first solution in order to leave the uncertain path is enormous. Courage is also needed when it comes to admitting and correcting mistakes one has made. Do you want to know how a leader can deal with team members' uncertainties? Then read the article written by Götz Müller on this topic.
Click here to read the original article.
The Remote Productivity Paradox - (German language)
Since the outbreak of the pandemic, many employees have been working from home, if possible. Many employees feel that they are more productive when they work from home. But does this actually correspond to reality? In his article, Felix Stein describes the remote productivity paradox, which deals with perceived productivity. According to a recent study, the productivity that employees feel and the actual productivity that companies assess diverge. This is because employees and companies have different views on productivity. Employees feel more productive when they spend a lot of time at their desk, i.e. working. But for companies, work is considered productive when appropriate results are achieved. How do you feel? Do you feel you are more productive when working from home? Feel free to share your thoughts with us.
Click here to read the original article.
What is your productivity like while working from home?
Further articles worth reading and podcasts worth listening, you should not miss:
7 reasons smart people do stupid things
Click here to read the recommended article.
Agile Verträge – Anwälte, Recht & Agilität
(en.: Agile Contracts - Lawyers, Law & Agility)
Click here to read the recommended article.
Blablabla - Taten statt Sprechblasen!
(en.: Blah blah blah - actions instead of speech bubbles!)
Click here to read the recommended article.
Das richtige Werkzeug für den Job - Teil 2
(en.: The right tool for the job - Part 2)
Click here to read the recommended article.
How Project Managers Can Stay Relevant in Agile Organizations
Click here to read the recommended article.
How to Build an Effective Team For Faster Growth
Click here to read the recommended article.
Measuring Productivity
Click here to read the recommended article.
Praxisbeispiel: Lean Management im Impfzentrum
(en.: Practical example: Lean management in the vaccination centre)
Click here to read the recommended article.
The most important thing you are missing about estimation
Click here to read the recommended article.
Warum Ihre Agile Transformation nichts wird – 2 pragmatischere Change-Anregungen für die Organisation
(en.: Why your agile transformation will come to nothing - 2 more pragmatic change suggestions for the organisation)
Click here to read the recommended article.
What Level of Detail Should Be Captured in a User Story?
Click here to read the recommended article.
Click here to read the recommended article.
Agile Verträge – Anwälte, Recht & Agilität
(en.: Agile Contracts - Lawyers, Law & Agility)
Click here to read the recommended article.
Blablabla - Taten statt Sprechblasen!
(en.: Blah blah blah - actions instead of speech bubbles!)
Click here to read the recommended article.
Das richtige Werkzeug für den Job - Teil 2
(en.: The right tool for the job - Part 2)
Click here to read the recommended article.
How Project Managers Can Stay Relevant in Agile Organizations
Click here to read the recommended article.
How to Build an Effective Team For Faster Growth
Click here to read the recommended article.
Measuring Productivity
Click here to read the recommended article.
Praxisbeispiel: Lean Management im Impfzentrum
(en.: Practical example: Lean management in the vaccination centre)
Click here to read the recommended article.
The most important thing you are missing about estimation
Click here to read the recommended article.
Warum Ihre Agile Transformation nichts wird – 2 pragmatischere Change-Anregungen für die Organisation
(en.: Why your agile transformation will come to nothing - 2 more pragmatic change suggestions for the organisation)
Click here to read the recommended article.
What Level of Detail Should Be Captured in a User Story?
Click here to read the recommended article.

Author: IAPM internal
Keywords: IAPM Essentials, Links, News