IAPM Essentials #37 - News from the project management world

What was eventful last week? What has happened in project management? Here you can find articles worth reading and links to videos or podcasts that we warmly recommend.

To put it briefly: Essentials from the world of project management.

Enjoy reading!
Logo of IAPM Essentials number 37.

IAPM Essentials January 12, 2021

This week, these three articles were particularly inspiring:

Benutzt die To-do-Liste nicht als „Ich könnte“-Liste
Creating to-do lists is not difficult and can help you by structuring the daily agenda or by organising your thoughts. Especially in times of working from home, it is a simple and efficient method to find a balance between everyday tasks and the day-to-day work – as long as the to-do list has been properly prepared. In this article you can get suggestions for what and what not to write down, how detailed the tasks should be and other essential things to consider. However, it is really important to only write down things that actually have to be accomplished and not those, which happen anyway. This way you are prepared for the rest of the day or maybe for the whole week as well, and the work can begin!
Click here to read the original article.

The Dangerous Animals of Product Management
As a Product Owner, it is important to communicate frequently and clearly –  ranging from the Product Vision to the elements in the Product Backlog. Sometimes, however, this role is misunderstood in the company, which unnecessarily complicates the already demanding task. In his article, Marty de Jonge compares the role of the Product Owner to that of a hunter in the deepest jungle: always alert and focused, unaware of what lies ahead of him, and surrounded by wild animals always eager to strike. In his opinion, these irrepressible animals can also be found in daily project life – whether it’s a HIPPO, WOLF, RHINO or ZEBRA. If we've piqued your interest now, you should definitely read this blog post. There you will learn what these acronyms stand for and how you as a Product Owner can deal with such dangers.
Click here to read the original article.

Was mir in Online-Meetings fehlt – und wie ich es zu ersetzen versuche
A new trend emerges in the business world: as a result of working from home due to the pandemic and also because of an increased trend to digitisation and new work, the home is more and more being transformed into one's own workplace. This is also causing a change in communication culture as well, since online meetings often lack two things that used to exist in a conference room. Tim Themann explains in his article, that direct face-to-face interactions have a significant influence on group dynamics through eye contact and body language. However, this is now missing in the digital work environment. Yet it often helped people to understand each other better in meetings and conferences while preventing possible misunderstandings. If you now want to learn more about how this lack of social interaction in your at-home-conference room could be compensated, then we recommend you reading this blog article!
Click here to read the original article.

Further articles worth reading and podcasts worth listening, you should not miss:

2020 Scrum Guide — Lean Daily Scrum Alternatives
Click here to read the recommended article.

Agility is more than Scrum and Agile
Click here to read the recommended article.

Als Scrum Master Hindernisse beseitigen
(en.: Removing obstacles as a Scrum Master)
Click here to read the recommended article.

Falsche Ziele führen in die falsche Richtung
(en.: Wrong goals lead to the wrong direction)
Click here to read the recommended article.

Goal Setting vs. Goal Planning
Click here to read the recommended article.

Is project management keeping work siloed?
Click here to read the recommended article.

Key Sprint Metrics to Increase Team Dependability
Click here to read the recommended article.

Komplexität mittels Vertrauen handhaben
(en.: Managing complexity by means of trust)
Click here to read the recommended article.

Projektmanagement-Methoden im Vergleich
(en.: Project management methods in comparison)
Click here to read the recommended article.

So identifizieren Sie Projektbeteiligte
(en.: How to identify project stakeholders)
Click here to read the recommended article.

What Businesses Get from Enterprise Resource Planning
Click here to read the recommended article.
Author: IAPM internal

Keywords: IAPM Essentials, Links, News

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For better readability, we usually only use the generic masculine form in our texts. Nevertheless, the expressions refer to members of all genders.