IAPM Essentials #36 - News from the project management world

Happy New Year 2021!

What was eventful last week? What has happened in project management? Here you can find articles worth reading and links to videos or podcasts that we warmly recommend.

To put it briefly: Essentials from the world of project management.

Enjoy reading!
Logo of IAPM Essentials number 36.

IAPM Essentials January 05, 2021

This week, these three articles were particularly inspiring:

How To Escape From the Prioritization Pitfalls!
Prioritising goals and tasks is a common challenge in project management. According to David Pereira, one reason for this problem can be the lack of a Product Vision. At the beginning there is a business model, but this is often not taken into account over the duration of the project. In the end, only the profits that are to be achieved count and not the fulfilment of the vision.
Especially for Product Owners, working without a Product Vision is difficult or even impossible - because it is exactly this vision that is the goal to be achieved in the end. As soon as the vision has been established, work can begin moving in the right direction. Stakeholders who express wishes that either do not correspond to the Product Vision or contradict the wishes of other stakeholders can become problematic at this point. In both cases, open communication can be miraculous.
Click here to read the original article.

Minimum Viable Products (MVPs)
How exactly do you define Minimum Viable Product? And when you talk about it with a colleague, are you talking about exactly the same thing? Felix Stein takes a look at this term and explains the difference between the six forms: Proof of Concept, Riskiest Assumption Test, Low Fidelity MVP, High Fidelity MVP, Minimum Marketable Product or Earliest Loveable Product and Milestone MVP.
Read on to find out what exactly is meant by these levels.
Click here to read the original article.

Priorisieren Sie - ein offener Brief an Führungskräfte
Scrum teams that engage in Scrum are more successful than those that only do Scrum superficially. A big challenge in Scrum is prioritisation. Jan Fischbach explains the problem of prioritisation using the example of a motorway. The more cars drive on the motorway at the same time and the more road works exist on this motorway, the slower the traffic is. It can be the same in companies: The more tasks that are done at the same time and the more obstacles exist, the longer it takes to complete tasks. So what has to be done? Decisions have to be made! Who is allowed to get on the motorway? Which tasks must or may be done? Managers must support staff in prioritising tasks and eliminating "construction sites"
Click here to read the original article.

Further articles worth reading and podcasts worth listening, you should not miss:

Agile Prinzipien in der Hochschullehre 
(en.: Agile principles in academic teaching)
Click here to read the recommended article.

Ambidextrie – Die Rettung für Unternehmen in dynamischen Märkten
(en.: Ambidexterity - the rescue for companies in dynamic markets)
Click here to read the recommended article.

Are We Finally Done With PM Pseudo-Science?
Click here to read the recommended article.

Die größten (vermeidbaren) Komplexitätsfallen bei Software-Projekten
(en.: The biggest (avoidable) complexity traps in software projects)
Click here to read the recommended article.

Fit-for-Purpose Agility: There Is No “One True Agile”
Click here to read the recommended article.

Kanban vs Scrum: Comparison, Pros, and Cons
Click here to read the recommended article.

Teil 3: Aus der Hexenküche eines Interimmanagers
(en.: From the witch's kitchen of an interim manager – Part 3)
Click here to read the recommended article.

The iron triangle and Agile
Click here to read the recommended article.

The right way to think about cost savings with agile
Click here to read the recommended article.

Welche Faktoren machen wirklich erfolgreiche Teams aus?
(en.: What factors constitute truly successful teams?)
Click here to read the recommended article.

Wirksames Management
(en.: Effective management)
Click here to read the recommended article.
Author: IAPM internal

Keywords: IAPM Essentials, Links, News

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For better readability, we usually only use the generic masculine form in our texts. Nevertheless, the expressions refer to members of all genders.