IAPM Essentials #19 - News from the project management world
What was eventful last week? What has happened in project management? Here you can find articles worth reading and links to videos or podcasts that we warmly recommend.
To put it briefly: Essentials from the world of project management.
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To put it briefly: Essentials from the world of project management.
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IAPM Essentials September 08, 2020
Agile Missverständnisse: Von Helden und Eiern
In German language only: Although in agility the team is the focus of attention, there are "lone fighters" even in those scenarios. Johann-Peter Hartmann describes in his article a frequently occurring agile misunderstanding.
Click here to read the full article.
Creating Reality-Based Forecasts in Agile Projects
Anthony Mersino explains in his article the difference between traditional and agile approaches to estimation. In the article you will find a comparison of the two approaches and an explanation why the agile approach has great potential.
Click here to read the full article.
How Lean value stream mapping cuts delay, boosts efficiency
Matt Heusse is of the opinion that a value stream map is a perfect tool for visualising processes. In his article he compares a Kanban board and a value stream map and he makes the advantages of the latter feasible.
Click here to read the full article.
How to spot an agile faker
Just imagine you work in an agile team. The agile group dynamics are thwarted by a team member who is faking agility instead of living it. To figure out the agile faker you should ask your team those questions Jen Krieger shows you in her article.
Click here to read the full article.
Kennst du das Modell des Potenzialkreises?
In German language only: Maria Steinberg gives you an understanding of what is a potential circle. This model is a cycle that can be adapted to any situation and that aims to increase one's own potential.
Click here to read the full article.
Leveraging agile to get predictable
This webinar is part of the series "Business Drivers of Agility". In this episode, Mike Cottmeyer discusses predictability and how it can have a positive impact on an organisation.
Click here to read the full article.
Nur mit einem Kultur-Wandel gelingt die Digitale Transformation
In German language only: Read in this article why digital transformation cannot take place without a cultural change. Shabnoor Sha describes the tasks of a manager involved in digital transformation.
Click here to read the full article.
OKR: eine kritische Betrachtung
In German language only: In his article Kai Pukall deals with OKR, which he discusses critically. He gives a rough description of the method and gives you an overview of the extent to which OKR differs from Management by Objectives.
Click here to read the full article.
Overcoming The Worst Nightmare of Product Owners: Prioritization
For many Product Owners that David Pereira knows, prioritisation is a nightmare. If you as a Product Owner are in the situation of having to set priorities then this article will be helpful.
Click here to read the full article.
Probleme lösen in Komplexität
In German language only: Daniel Dubbel explains in his article how complex problems can be solved. He gives you five tips that can help you solve your problems.
Click here to read the full article.
Why do we suck so much in time estimations and what to do about it
Gil Bouhnick dealt with the question why his time estimates are usually unrealistic. In this article you will learn in which way Murphy is involved in this problem and how you can avoid misjudgments yourself.
Click here to read the full article.
Wie Planungspoker bei der Aufwandsschätzung hilft
In German language only: Prof. Dr. Jörg Friedrich shows in his article why estimation of effort is relevant in project management. One way to estimate the effort is to use planning poker. In this article you can read how planning poker is performed correctly.
Click here to read the full article.
In German language only: Although in agility the team is the focus of attention, there are "lone fighters" even in those scenarios. Johann-Peter Hartmann describes in his article a frequently occurring agile misunderstanding.
Click here to read the full article.
Creating Reality-Based Forecasts in Agile Projects
Anthony Mersino explains in his article the difference between traditional and agile approaches to estimation. In the article you will find a comparison of the two approaches and an explanation why the agile approach has great potential.
Click here to read the full article.
How Lean value stream mapping cuts delay, boosts efficiency
Matt Heusse is of the opinion that a value stream map is a perfect tool for visualising processes. In his article he compares a Kanban board and a value stream map and he makes the advantages of the latter feasible.
Click here to read the full article.
How to spot an agile faker
Just imagine you work in an agile team. The agile group dynamics are thwarted by a team member who is faking agility instead of living it. To figure out the agile faker you should ask your team those questions Jen Krieger shows you in her article.
Click here to read the full article.
Kennst du das Modell des Potenzialkreises?
In German language only: Maria Steinberg gives you an understanding of what is a potential circle. This model is a cycle that can be adapted to any situation and that aims to increase one's own potential.
Click here to read the full article.
Leveraging agile to get predictable
This webinar is part of the series "Business Drivers of Agility". In this episode, Mike Cottmeyer discusses predictability and how it can have a positive impact on an organisation.
Click here to read the full article.
Nur mit einem Kultur-Wandel gelingt die Digitale Transformation
In German language only: Read in this article why digital transformation cannot take place without a cultural change. Shabnoor Sha describes the tasks of a manager involved in digital transformation.
Click here to read the full article.
OKR: eine kritische Betrachtung
In German language only: In his article Kai Pukall deals with OKR, which he discusses critically. He gives a rough description of the method and gives you an overview of the extent to which OKR differs from Management by Objectives.
Click here to read the full article.
Overcoming The Worst Nightmare of Product Owners: Prioritization
For many Product Owners that David Pereira knows, prioritisation is a nightmare. If you as a Product Owner are in the situation of having to set priorities then this article will be helpful.
Click here to read the full article.
Probleme lösen in Komplexität
In German language only: Daniel Dubbel explains in his article how complex problems can be solved. He gives you five tips that can help you solve your problems.
Click here to read the full article.
Why do we suck so much in time estimations and what to do about it
Gil Bouhnick dealt with the question why his time estimates are usually unrealistic. In this article you will learn in which way Murphy is involved in this problem and how you can avoid misjudgments yourself.
Click here to read the full article.
Wie Planungspoker bei der Aufwandsschätzung hilft
In German language only: Prof. Dr. Jörg Friedrich shows in his article why estimation of effort is relevant in project management. One way to estimate the effort is to use planning poker. In this article you can read how planning poker is performed correctly.
Click here to read the full article.
Author: IAPM intern
Keywords: IAPM Essentials, Links, News