HYPERID: a new hybrid methodology for project management and product development

HYPERID, a new hybrid methodology for project management as well as product development, has seen the light of day in October 2022.

The special thing about HYPERID ([ˈhaiprid]) is, on the one hand, that it can serve all project/product types. From classic high-rise construction, which is usually planned and implemented according to the tried and tested waterfall model, to the development of AI-supported software, for which agile process models and frameworks such as Extreme Programming and Scrum have proven to be the approach of choice. Thus, one no longer has to decide which approach to choose for the current project.

On the other hand, HYPERID ensures that an authoritative forecast of the costs and duration of the ongoing initiative can be made at any time during project implementation - even with maximum of agility.

Projects that are planned and implemented according to HYPERID complete the planning much faster and face the need for change in today's world much more flexibly than the waterfall model. They achieve more efficient value creation than can be observed in the common agile process models and at the same time they benefit from constant predictability and plannability.
The HYPERID book lies on a desk. Next to it are a laptop and a coffee.

HYPERID has developed from practical experience

In the many years of my own work as a project manager, I have noticed time and again - especially in IT projects - that you are rarely supported by standard tools of the existing process models to such an extent that you not only hope but also know that you will deliver a project successfully. This led me to start developing processes, structures, tools and best practices that complemented the existing process models, and over the years I have continued to develop these. Later - and this is still the case today - in many project audits, during project reorganisations and in coaching discussions with project managers, I have noticed from time to time that the challenges are always similar. Accordingly, the solutions indicated to tackle them are also the same.

This is how HYPERID evolved and was further developed over several years until it reached its current state, which has now also been published as a fully comprehensive methodology.

Companies need to implement their projects in an agile way in order to not only survive but also remain competitive in today's world of constant change and innovation. And at the same time, companies also need quick statements on the duration, costs and added value achievement of their project and product development at the beginning and at any other time during their implementation. In addition, reliable target achievement, i.e. delivery in time, budget and value, is also required. Since previous process models have struggled to reconcile all of these requirements (which is perfectly fine and does not make them bad process models, as they were developed against the backdrop of certain challenges, for which they are still ideally suited), I have supplemented the proven elements of previous process models with additional processes, structures, tools and best practices in order to take these requirements into account for each project type.

You can get a first impression of HYPERID on the website that recently was launched for this purpose. Details about the methodology as well as many practical examples can be found in my book, which is available at the bookseller of your choice or at Amazon.

Furthermore, on my above-mentioned website you can also obtain two tools, among others, free of charge if you have already purchased the book. These tools will be of great service to you in planning and implementing your projects. At the same time, they are aligned with HYPERID's process model and vocabulary.

I will be very happy if HYPERID also succeeds in making your projects and product developments more successful than in the past. I am also looking forward to further developing the methodology based on your experiences.

HYPERID Author Arash Parsania.
Author: Arash Parsania has more than 20 years of experience in project management, consulting and digital business transformation. His expertise covers the industries of software engineering, retail, travel & hospitality, automotive, telecommunications, consumer products and insurance. During his career, he has advised numerous organisations on digital business transformation, project and product development process definition and optimisation, and project portfolio management. He has supported global leaders to improve project and product management quality and to develop and establish specific project management frameworks and methodologies through audits and restructurings as well as assessments and certification programmes for project leaders.

Keywords: News, Hybrid project management, HYPERID

The IAPM certification

The certification can be taken via a reputable online examination procedure. The costs are based on the gross domestic product of your country of origin.

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For better readability, we usually only use the generic masculine form in our texts. Nevertheless, the expressions refer to members of all genders.