10 tips to unleash your talent in agile project management

When it comes to managing your project adequately, there are tons of methodologies. The methodology, which is trending in recent time, is Agile Project Management.
The majority of the business is still considering it a mirage in project management. Despite their perception, the statistics depict a different perspective. According to GOremotely [1], around 71 % of companies adopted agile management methodology, which has benefited about 98 % of them.
Let’s focus on some of the essential skills and tips required to unleash your talent in agile project management.   
A dice with the word YOU in the middle of several dice showing little figures.

Key agile requirements

The agile projects are 28 % more successful in contrary to traditionally organised projects [2].
It means that it also requires additional efforts and principles to be followed. Following are the critical agile project management necessary regulations to be implemented.
  • An ability to eliminate additional processes and pivotal focus on main processes.
  • To remain calm in a pressurised situation and make adequate decisions.
  • To be a leader and continuously motivate employees.
  • Ability to manage administrative issues and keep goals aligns.
  • The higher level of flexibility to accept diversification.

Tips to unleash talent in agile project management

Agile project management was initially designed for the software industry. With time, project management is adopted by a large number of industries. See the following overview reflecting the usage of agile in different industries [3]:

Software (ISV): 23 %
Financial services: 14 %
Professional services: 12 %
Insurance: 6 %
Healthcare: 6 %
Government: 5 %
Telecoms: 4 %
Transportation: 4 %
Manufacturing: 4 %

Though, with its wide adaptation, the demand for talent and skills in agile management also increases.
I have gathered the essential steps in unleashing your talent in agile project management. Let’s discuss some of the obligatory process required. 

1. Take proper training

The process of agile management may seem a simple process, but the reality is a little crook. It requires a lot of efforts in training to prepare employees for the adaptation adequately.
To acquire knowledge regarding the whole new project methodology, you will need training. Around 91 % of organisations are providing their manager's training for preparing them [4].
If you will jump in agile management without training, it is similar to going on a war with a butter knife.

2. Be selective in hiring

The adaptation of agile management is different for different organisations. You may need to onboard new employees for the implementation of agile management.
As being a leader, you should be selective in recruiting these individuals. This is because; any wrong step will create a negative impact on the performance of the team.
Around 75 % of managers believe that their project will be a failure due to inadequate team performance [5].
Therefore, it is essential to hire individuals who will support increasing the team’s skills rather than diminishing them. 

3. Apply the principle on yourself

The key principles and requirements of agile management, as mentioned above, are necessary to be implemented by every individual.
It should not be expected only from the managers or team members to apply these principles. Every individual involves in agile management is required to practice these principles.
For creating a perfectly balanced management system and enhanced level of skill set, managers and team members have to contribute equally. 

4. Combine agile and lean management

For increasing your efficiency in agile management, it is necessary to amalgamate it with other project management methodologies.
Agile management does tell you about how to build fast with less risk. But, it does not tell you about how and why to build. This is the point where penetration of lean management is expected.
The basic goal is to increase the efficiency of the project with the minimum number of waste products. But what if you are not an authoritative and just a simple team member?
You can apply these strategies to your horizon. Envision your work from the combination of methodologies and increase your coherence.      

5. Be a Leader

Being a leader is necessary for almost every aspect of the business. Regardless of your position, you have to adopt the qualities and behavioural characteristics of a leader.

You have to lead by example for your team members. The easiest way to do so is;
  • Appreciate communication and feedback for identifying the project’s grey areas.
  • Always welcome criticism and replace the process which is in doubt.
  • Encourage synchronization and informal project discussions among team members. It is considered important by 75 % of the employees [6].

6. Take an additional support

Different teams working on a single project must create strong communication and support network with each other.
If you are facing a problem, you must ask other team members. As a leader, you should not feel ashamed to ask for help from your sub-ordinate or juniors.
The agile process will be new, and maybe some team members have previous experience in this. They can guide you better about the project.
Therefore, it is suggested to take additional support or giving additional duties to others will increase your learning and polish your employee’s skill. 

7. Accept diversity of talent

Agile is a cyclic process. There are fluctuations and random situation at every stage on a pretty much daily basis. Therefore, you should be open to learning along the way.
How to master all knowledge without even knowing its significance or usage for the project? The answer is by accepting a diverse range of talents.
Diversity can increase your innovation revenue by 19 % [7]. When you have a diverse workforce, they will increase your learning and will help in problem-solving. 

8. Maintain a pace

The agile environment needs a regular pace and proactive employees.
70 % of organisations face at least one project failure [8]. The core reasons for these failures are employees' inability to regulate their pace of working and engagement with the project.
Agile management requires every employee to work equally from the first till the last day of the project.
If your pace gets slower at the bottom of the project, it may cause a delay in the deadline of the project. The continuity you maintain on a project will also increase your ability to focus.   

9. Be Flexible

Your flexibility is the most desired element in agile project management. If you want to learn and polish yourself, then you have to be flexible.
By the word flexible, I mean you must accept feedback and criticism. And not just acceptance adequate workings on this criticism are essential to remove flaws.

10. Synchronise your goals

To ensure personal and organizational growth, it is necessary to align your goals.
Agile management may break the whole process into smaller steps. But these steps must be synchronised and aligned as per the requirement.
I mean, you cannot install windows first and then make a wall.

Wrapping it up

Organisations are adopting agile management at a faster pace. Employees and managers are equally under pressure to increase their skills in accordance with agile management. I have suggested to you some of the best tips that will support you in polishing your skillset. These strategies will extract out the subtle talent in you. 
Author: Stella Lincoln is currently working as Assistant Editor at Crowd Writer, the organisation famous for its essay writing service UK for an affordable price.  She is a dedicated writer, and you can take coursework help online from her.
[1] https://goremotely.net/blog/agile-adoption/#
[2] https://hygger.io/blog/why-agile-is-so-popular-in-project-management/#
[3] https://www.cio.com/article/3156998/agile-project-management-a-beginners-guide.html
[4] https://adevait.com/blog/remote-work/adopting-agile-the-latest-reports-about-the-popular-mindset
[5] https://blog.capterra.com/surprising-project-management-statistics/
[6] https://blog.bit.ai/collaboration-statistics/
[7] https://blog.bonus.ly/diversity-inclusion-statistics
[8] https://www.theserverside.com/opinion/Dont-contribute-to-the-high-IT-project-failure-rate

Key words: Project management, Agile Project management, Tips, Guide, Personal development

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For better readability, we usually only use the generic masculine form in our texts. Nevertheless, the expressions refer to members of all genders.