IAPM Essentials #71 - News from the project management world

What was eventful last week? What has happened in project management? Here you can find articles worth reading and links to videos or podcasts that we warmly recommend.

To put it briefly: Essentials from the world of project management.

Enjoy reading!
Logo of IAPM Essentials number 71.

IAPM Essentials September 14, 2021

This week, these three articles were particularly inspiring:

The Stacey Matrix: Which project management method is right for you? - German language
The Stacey Matrix can be used as a tool to support decision-making or in selecting the proper project management approach. Two dimensions are assessed to support decision-making: How confident are you with the approach (i.e. do you really want to use the approach?) and what is the level of agreement among the decision makers. If you want to use the Stacey Matrix to find out which project management approach is right for you, then it is assessed according to the (in)clarity of the requirements and the degree of familiarity with the underlying technologies or methods. Often the clearer the more traditional and the less clear the more agile the approach. One of the criticisms of the Stacey Matrix is that some aspects, such as the project environment, are not taken into account. Accordingly, it is important to include your own experience and knowledge.
Click here to read the original article.

More about the meeting vicious circle - German language
A vicious circle, or downward spiral, occurs when one thing is the trigger for negatively influencing other things (e.g. processes). As a result, the condition gets worse and worse. Did you know that such a vicious circle can also occur in meetings? Even if you might not have called it a "meeting vicious circle" so far, you certainly know the phenomenon: You and your team want to arrange a meeting. As recommended, only those who are really relevant for the meeting are invited. However, one team member has a very busy schedule, which means that spontaneous meetings are not possible. Meetings have to be planned for the long term, and the remaining team members' schedules fill up accordingly. Tim Themann explains in his article how you can break the vicious circle.
Click here to read the original article.

Why waterfall development may still suit your organization
For the implementation of projects in software development, an Agile project management approach is now often preferred over the Waterfall model. Scrum, Kanban and similar process models make it possible to react more quickly to changes, the requirements for the project do not have to be painstakingly recorded in every detail, and (visible) value is continuously added to the product. However, the use of Agile methods and frameworks in software development is not always the most efficient – the Waterfall model can also make sense in some situations. In his article, Leo Prada provides insights into the various use cases when the Waterfall approach can also be applied for software development and compares the Waterfall model to other Agile project management approaches.
Click here to read the original article.

Further articles worth reading and podcasts worth listening, you should not miss:

20 Jahre Agiles Manifest: Die gescheiterte Rebellion
(en.: 20 years of the Agile Manifesto: the failed rebellion)
Click here to read the original article.

6 Effective Project Management Applications
Click here to read the original article.

Best IT Project Management Tools & Software 2021
Click here to read the original article.

Don't overlook the importance of KPIs in AI/ML projects
Click here to read the original article.

Fünf Projektmanagement-Fehler, die in kreativen Teams immer noch gemacht werden
(en.: Five project management mistakes that are still made in creative teams)
Click here to read the original article.

How to Use Google Project Management Tools to Plan Your Tasks in 2021
Click here to read the original article.

Prozesse ohne Ziel: Resonanzthemen
(en.: Processes without a goal: resonance issues)
Click here to read the original article.

Strong Project, Change Management Are Essential to Good IT
Click here to read the original article.

VUCA: Überleben in einer verrückten (Arbeits-)Welt
Click here to read the original article.

What people don't get about value stream management
Click here to read the original article.

Wie können wir den Erfolg von User Stories messen
(en.: How can the success of User Stories be measured)
Click here to read the original article.
Author: IAPM internal 

Keywords: IAPM Essentials, Links, News

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For better readability, we usually only use the generic masculine form in our texts. Nevertheless, the expressions refer to members of all genders.