IAPM Brochure - page 5

The IAPM promotes research, develop-
ment and applications in project manage-
ment. One of the ways in which it does this
is to compile knowledge gained from day-
to-day project work and share it with pro-
ject managers around the globe; for exam-
ple, by publishing it in guidelines such as
the „PM Guide 2.0“, „Agile PM Guide 2.0“
and „International PM Guide 2.0“, which
are available free of charge.
Passing on the experience of respected
and renowned project managers to new-
comers and other project managers takes
the profession forward and forms the basis
of effective national and international col-
The IAPM introduced the “Book of the
Year“ award to pay tribute to innovation
and knowledge sharing in project man-
agement. The award is presented to the
authors of books which foster quality in
project work, address the subject of pro-
ject management and present new and
pioneering approaches. People all over the
world have access to books, so they are
still the ideal medium for education and
further development.
An IAPM jury of experts selects publica-
tions that it considers to be especially no-
table for the “Book of the Year” title.
They have to satisfy several criteria. First
of all, they obviously have to deal with an
aspect of project management. This can
happen in various ways. For example, a
case study or biography can be just as val-
uable and rich in ideas and approaches as
a textbook. However, essays, dissertations
and theses are not eligible for the award.
The content has to be new and forward-
looking rather than covering outdated pro-
ject management concepts. The book can
be innovative in terms of linguistic style,
presentation or design.
The IAPM is an international project man-
agement association headquartered in
Liechtenstein with offices in Germany
(Frankfurt) and the USA (Houston), so the
book must be published in German and
English to guarantee that as many read-
ers as possible can have access to it and
benefit from it. The IAPM’s review and as-
sessment of the book must be within three
years of its publication. Older books are not
eligible because one of the award criteria is
up-to-date content.
The author’s profile is another criterion for
the IAPM “Book of the Year” award. He or
she must have at least five years of expe-
rience in project management so that the
IAPM has the assurance that the author
has an adequate knowledge of project
The IAPM accepts nominations for the
“Book of the Year“ award. Nominations
can be submitted by authors in respect of
a book they have written or by other people
in respect of a book they have read. There
is no annual deadline for submissions be-
cause the IAPM presents the award at ir-
regular intervals.
For further information please visit
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