Online examination improves learning success in project management certification VACUUMSCHMELZE optimises pm activities with IAPM certification

Jacqueline Flentge, HR Director at VACUUMSCHMELZE commented, “The certification process is important because it offers many of our project managers the opportunity to revise existing knowledge and internalise it more effectively. So the examination makes an important contribution to their overall learning success rate“. The centrally administered project management training and certification package will facilitate long-term improvements in the company’s project management activities.
IAPM convinced VACUUMSCHMELZE with its low entry thresholds
At the end of 2012, VACUUMSCHMELZE decided to obtain certification in accordance with the standards of the IAPM International Association of Project Managers. The IAPM’s streamlined and pragmatic solution convinced the company’s HR managers, project managers and executive managers. “IAPM certification is associated with relatively low expenditure of time and costs,“ said Flentge, explaining why VACUUMSCHMELZE opted for the IAPM. “The opportunity for the project managers to learn independently for the certification examination and the examination’s online format, as well as the candidates being able to take the examination at a time of their choice, were important arguments that persuaded the employees of the merits of IAPM certification and encouraged them to participate.” To date, 30 employees working in the areas of development, product marketing, production, maintenance, management accounting, quality management and logistics have obtained IAPM certification.
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