IAPM Essentials #17 - News from the project management world

What was eventful last week? What has happened in project management? Here you can find articles worth reading and links to videos or podcasts that we warmly recommend.

To put it briefly: Essentials from the world of project management.

Enjoy reading!
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Logo of IAPM Essentials number 17.

IAPM Essentials August 25, 2020

ARCI decision matrix
In this article you can read how an ARCI matrix is created step by step so that each team member is integrated to the appropriate extent in the decision-making process.
Click here to read the full article.

Auftragsklärung – das Wichtigste zuerst
In German language only: Before you accept an assignment, you should have it explained to you in detail. Sometimes even expertise and experience are not sufficient to successfully complete an assignment. Namely when the solution and the goal do not match.
Click here to read the full article.

Digitaler Minimalismus: Weniger ist mehr
In German language only: Do you also have the feeling of spending far too much "dead" time using social media? Then you are not alone! Marcus Raitner gives you a recommendation on how to deal with it.
Click here to read the full article.

Diversity – Abschied von der Monokultur in Unternehmen
In German language only: Birgit Schiche describes in her article why stereotypes and diversity do not fit together and why complex problems cannot be solved by using simple approaches.
Click here to read the full article.

Folge 92: Epics, User Stories, Tasks und andere Vorgangstypen
In German language only: In this podcast episode Dominik Ehrenberg, Ina Einemann and Sebastian Bauer introduce the different types of processes in Scrum and explain which type should be used when.
Click here to read the full article.

Kein Zurück zur alten Arbeitswelt
In German language only: The importance of virtual work has been growing steadily over the years. Since the Corona pandemic at the latest, it has become impossible to imagine working without this form of work. Dr. Tomas Bohinc is convinced that virtual work will also determine our future and that there won't be a total return to the classical forms of work.
Click here to read the full article.

Lessons Learned? Verschwendung!
In German language only: At the end of a project there is often the "lessons learned". In this context it is documented what went well in the respective project and where there is potential for improvement. Daniel Dubbel is of the opinion that lessons learned are a waste of time. In his article he explains the background and shows you what you should do instead.
Click here to read the full article.

Lipstick Agile — 15 Signs You Probably Need a New Job or to Roll-up Your Proverbial Sleeves
Stefan Wolpers has already observed many scenarios during his career that he could only be astounded by. He gives you an insight into his negative observations.
Click here to read the full article.

The What, the Why and Some How of Wardley Mapping - a Conversation with Simon Wardley
For his podcast, Shane Hastie spoke with Simon Wardley, the inventor of Wardley Mapping. Simon Wardley tells among other things where the idea came from and how Wardley Maps are used.
Click here to read the full article.

Was hat sich in der Corona-Krise geändert? Die Sichten der Mitarbeiter und der Führungskräfte
In German language only: In June, the Agile Verwaltung forum conducted a survey on the topic of "Experiences with working online". In this article you will find the evaluation of this survey - clustered by the answers of employees and managers.
Click here to read the full article.

What Happens When Agile Goes Away?
Imagine you work in an organisation in which an agile team is also active. This team works excellently. And suddenly this team is dissolved by the organisation. Kaluhi Anzigale has experienced this and describes in this article the consequences this can have.
Click here to read the full article.
Why Minimize Management Decision Time
Johanna Rothman explains in her article why it is advisable to shorten the time in which decisions are made. Because this time is usually much longer than the other phases of a project.
Click here to read the full article.

Work Less
Do you also often feel that you have worked a lot and still think that you have not managed everything? Or are you one of those people who work many hours, get little done and then feel guilty? Whether you belong to the first or second group, Leo Babauta has a tip for you: work less.
Click here to read the full article.

Author: IAPM intern
Keywords: IAPM Essentials, Links, News

The IAPM certification

The certification can be taken via a reputable online examination procedure. The costs are based on the gross domestic product of your country of origin.

From the IAPM Blog

Become a Network Official

Do you want to get involved in project management in your environment and contribute to the further development of project management? Then become active as an IAPM Network Official or as a Network Official of the IAPM Network University. 

For better readability, we usually only use the generic masculine form in our texts. Nevertheless, the expressions refer to members of all genders.